
  • 人气


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  • 类型: 手机游戏
  • 大小: 0.099MB
  • 语言: 中文
  • 系统: 安卓
  • 开发者: 暂无
  • 发布时间:

The game Thunder 2 is a classic shooting game that is loved by players for its thrilling battles and rich gameplay. This game brings players into a world full of war atmosphere, where they can play as brave pilots and participate in intense aerial combat to defend their territory.

Game Controls

Keyboard O + K --- Start the game

Any key on the keyboard --- Continue the game

Keyboard 5 (6, 7, 8) --- Insert coin (note: 5 corresponds to 1, 6 corresponds to 2, 7 corresponds to 3, 8 corresponds to 4)

Keyboard 1 (2, 3, 4) --- Select character (note: 5 corresponds to 1, 6 corresponds to 2, 7 corresponds to 3, 8 corresponds to 4)

Keyboard left and right arrow keys --- Navigate through characters

Keyboard left Ctrl --- Confirm selection

Keyboard left Ctrl --- Attack

Keyboard left Alt --- Jump

Keyboard arrow keys --- Move (up, down, left, right)

Keyboard left Ctrl + Alt --- Special move (will consume some health when killing enemies)


1. Press 5 to insert coin and 1 to start (1P). Additionally, J, K, I, O represent A, B, C, D on the arcade machine.

2. Press Enter to pause or resume the game. To exit the game, pause it first and then press Enter. Otherwise, you may experience difficulty quitting.

3. If the game runs slowly, right-click the desktop icon, select "Properties," then go to the "Compatibility" tab, and choose to run the program in "Windows 98/ME compatibility mode" to speed it up.

Game Guide

Red scattering bullets: The more you collect, the wider the spread, making it useful against small enemies. However, it may be challenging against boss enemies.

Blue lasers: Collecting more will result in a thicker laser beam with increased destructive and penetrating power, making it a mascot against bosses.

Tracking missile: Very useful when your aircraft is too busy to deal with small enemies, as they can't escape its tracking.

Straight-shot missile: Gives your aircraft some extra firepower, shooting alongside it.

Large bomb: Very useful for concentrated attacks, but be cautious as it takes a few seconds for it to explode.

Game Features

Experience the nostalgic arcade feeling, bringing back the thrill of the past!

Flexible playtime, suitable for both casual and professional gamers!

Danmaku gameplay, thrilling and exciting!

Unlimited competition, achieving fame and wealth without compromise!

Cross-server teaming, play together with your friends!

Choose from 9 different professions, there's one that suits you!